Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Now you can play while you pee

British company Captive Media has developed a urine-controlled games console for use in urinals.

The device sits above the ceramic bowl of the urinal, with the console using infra-red to detect where the urine is falling.

The games are controlled by the direction of a man's pee stream.

Users aim at one of three infrared sensors - to steer themselves down a ski slope, knock down penguins or even answer quiz questions.

The games include a pub quiz and a skiing challenge, with customers able to use their phones to upload their high scores to Twitter and a leaderboard.

The device is equipped with a reinforced 12-inch LCD screen as well as an Intel Atom dual-core processor.

A trial run at a Cambridge pub saw some interesting results, with toilets being cleaner due to improved accuracy.

Another finding was that competitive customers started and stopped their stream to improve accuracy.

The inventors say more urinals like these are due to hit bars and clubs across the UK in the months to come.

And they'll be hoping their hands-free gaming will be this year's hottest release.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Man suing dating website over ugly girls

A bachelor in China is suing a dating agency for sending him "ugly girls" as potential brides.

Li Zing, 27, claims the company has airbrushed the women's pictures on the website so much that they are "beyond recognition".

According to The Mirror, Li wants his RM390 fee refunded and RM2,450 compensation from the website, based in Hubei province, central China.

The dating agency told a court: "We sent women that we thought would be suitable. He's no film star himself and we are still trying to find a bride for him."

The case continues in the Chinese court.

Husband for sale

"Easy to maintain, just feed and water every 3-5 hours" was Alyse Baddley's sales pitch in the ad she placed in online classified website Craigslist. It also reads, "He enjoys eating and playing video games all day".

The Utah woman told ABC News that she "didn't see much him at all" ever since her husband got his hands on the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 video game.

Kyle Baddley, 22, who was recently discharged from the military after sustaining a back injury in Afghanistan, was said to have been playing the game for three-days straight since he bought the game on Nov 8.

According to ABC News, 21-year-old Alyse created the ad with her mother-in-law as a joke and never expected to garner so much response from concerned citizens and guys who were willing to trade places with Kyle.

"The ad was all just a joke, and I love my husband and he loves me," Alyse said. "I didn't ever think anyone would reply to this, but it's gotten so much attention, which is kind of cool."

Kyle said he loves his wife and that Alyse was supportive when he wanted to purchase the game. Alyse is just happy that her husband is home.

Source: ABC News

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Executioner says job not "complicated"

BEIJING (Reuters) - Hu Xiao says his job as one of China's executioners is usually not very complicated, except for the time when a prisoner he was about to kill stood up and ran toward his loaded rifle.

The rare glimpse into the ranks of China's executioners appeared in the Beijing Evening News newspaper Monday.

Hu, a veteran judicial police officer, described the routine of shooting prisoners convicted of murder and other capital crimes in China, which rights groups say carries out more judicial killings each year than anywhere else in the world.

"In fact, it's not as complicated as outsiders think. We all use rifles, stand about four meters from the condemned prisoner with a barrel one meter-long, take aim, press the trigger, and that's that," Hu told the newspaper.

Most prisoners taken for execution are so terrified they collapse on the ground and cannot stand, Hu said. The exception was an ex-soldier convicted of homicide, he said.

"At the time of execution, the criminals kneel on the ground, but this former soldier actually stood up and ran forward. The result was a moving target that was taken down," said Hu, himself a former soldier who has worked as a police officer for 19 years.

"These people all deserved what they got for their crimes."

China does not publish statistics of the number of people it executes. But human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, have said it executes more prisoners than any other country -- thousands in 2010, according to Amnesty.

The United States executed 46 people, nearly all by lethal injections, in 2010, said Amnesty.

China has been moving toward using more lethal injections, which are less prone to mishaps than guns, but Hu spoke only of his routine of shooting convicted prisoners.

When he first took the job of judicial police officer, Hu told the newspaper, older officers made him watch two executions and inspect the fresh corpses. Then it was time for Hu to do it himself, and the newspaper said he was not nervous.

"Yet the second time he was carrying out the task he did become nervous. Not because he was afraid, but out of fear of not shooting straight and becoming a laughing stock among his colleagues," said the report.

Younger police officers take longer to become used to executions, said Hu.

"For the older judicial police, carrying out executions became a routine task long ago,"

Friday, November 11, 2011

Man Undergoes Extensive Plastic Surgery to Look Like Superman

The plastic surgery-obsessed aren’t just in America. Philippines resident Herbert Chavez has undergone a drastic change to look like…Superman?

Mr. Chavez, 35, lives in Calamba City, has undergone the following procedures to transform into the Man of Steel:

- Chin augmentation to achieve Superman’s strong cleft
- A nose job (rhinoplasty) to make his schnozz look more like Christopher Reeves’
- Silicone injections into his lips to make them bigger (which always looks weird)
- Implants into his thighs to make them bigger, because apparently lifting weights won’t do

These procedures, and probably many more in the future, have been going on since 1995, and there’s really no telling when might stop. His home is filled with memorabilia such as posters, movies, and action figures, so if his appearance wasn’t enough of a tipoff that he’s obsessed with Superman, then his crazy appearance definitely will.

It’s only a matter of time before he tries to fly. Only then will he realize just how foolish he’s been. He should just try and be Batman. At least that way he can wear a mask.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Man Stuck in a Kiddy Swing

Some bets just shouldn't be made.

Just ask a 21-year-old Vallejo man who made a $100 bet with his friends that he could fit into a baby swing at a local park.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the unidentified man -– who should be thanking police for not releasing his name –- lubed himself up with liquid laundry detergent and jammed himself into the kiddie swing's leg holes about 9 p.m. Friday.

But he got stuck, his legs swelled and he couldn't get out.

To make matters worse, his friends abandoned him.

The newspaper reported that nine hours passed before a groundskeeper heard him screaming for help at 6 a.m. the next morning.

Vallejo firefighters tried to free him, but ultimately took him to a hospital –- still in the swing.

"The man sustained non-life-threatening injuries to his body, but there's no word yet on the condition of his ego," the Chronicle reported.

Let's hope he collected his $100.

Body Modification in Japan "Bagheads"

A recent trend in body modification is implanting objects, such as magnets, in the skin. Why is beyond me, but apparently something small and barely noticeable isn’t good enough for some Japanese individuals. Introducing “bageheads.”

Yes, it is exactly what it sounds like, though there are a few differences between the process and standard body modifications. Instead of an actual object being placed in the skin, a saline solution drip is used to cause inflammation and swelling in various parts of the body.

For many, the result is a large, bagel-shaped “implant” on the forehead. Tankfully, it’s a temporary modification, lasting only around 24 hours or so before wearing off.

Of course, there are side effects, such as pain (obviously), stretched-out skin, pressure, and headache. Other individuals are placing the saline in the arms, leading to bizarre, disfigured “muscles.”

Fashion among Japanese teens is weird enough as it is, but this definitely takes the cake. Or bagel.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hackers mistake French rugby club for German stock exchange

The allezdax.com website for second division Dax in rugby-loving southwest France was shut down for two weeks after its usual 700 daily page hits -- 1,200 on match days -- skyrocketed to 80,000 because of the attack.

"Our defences were certainly inadequate," one of the site's administrators who gave his name as Stephane told the France Bleu Gascogne radio station.

He said the hackers had "insulted us copiously in German" thinking they were something to do with the DAX, Germany's blue-chip stock market index.

"I only have one thing to say to them: leave us alone!" Stephane said.

"Having been attacked full-on by a young, spotty Teuton, the site is back with more security," the site's homepage said on Thursday.

The site notes that as a result of the attack, it is now twice as popular as the Dax club's official site.

Russian grave digger dresses up 29 bodies and puts them on display at home

Anatoly Moskvin had always been open about his interest in the dead and eagerly described how he loved to rummage through cemeteries, studying grave stones to uncover the life stories behind them.

What he failed to mention, according to police, was that he had dug up dozens of bodies and taken them back to his apartment, where he dressed them in women's clothes scavenged from graves and then put them on display.

A police video of the man's apartment in the Volga River city of Nizhny Novgorod released Monday shows his macabre collection of what look like dolls. Lifesize, they are dressed in bright dresses and headscarves, their hands and faces wrapped in what appears to be cloth. Police said they were mummified remains.

Instructions for doll-making were found in the apartment, police said, and the video showed old-fashioned plastic dolls in frilly dresses lying about.

Police refused to name the suspect arrested last week, but released photographs of him, gave his age as 45 and described him as a well-known specialist in the history of the city about 400 kilometers (250 miles) east of Moscow.

The 45-year-old historian who was considered the ultimate expert on cemeteries in Nizhny Novgorod.

Russian newspaper reports quoted police as saying that the man had only selected the remains of young women for his grisly collection.

Police said he had photographs and nameplates from grave sites, which could help with the identification of the remains.

The arrest followed a long-running investigation into the desecration of graves at several cemeteries in Nizhny Novgorod beginning in 2010, police spokeswoman Svetlana Kovylina said. She did not explain how they tracked him down.

The national daily Moskovsky Komsomolets said Moskvin was detained at a cemetery while carrying a bag of bones. But Kriminalnaya Khronika, an online publication specializing in crime news from the Nizhny Novgorod region, said police investigators discovered the bodies when they visited Moskvin to consult with him about the desecration.

Alexei Yesin, the editor of a local newspaper to which Moskvin contributed, said that he was shocked by the reports and couldn't understand how he could have squeezed all the bodies into his apartment, which he shared with his parents.

He described Moskvin as a loner who had "certain quirks," but said he gave no indication that he was up to anything so strange. "I saw no signs of that while working with him," Yesin said in a telephone interview.

Moskvin, who long had been known in the region for his interest in the dead, wrote several articles about cemeteries and historic sites in the region. A linguistic expert by training, he specialized in Celtic culture and studied 13 foreign languages.

In a 2007 interview with the newspaper Nizhegorodsky Rabochy, or Nizhny Novgorod Worker, Moskvin said he had begun wandering through cemeteries when he was in the seventh grade. "I don't think anyone in the city knows them better than I do," he said.

Moskvin claimed that from 2005 to 2007 he had inspected 752 cemeteries across the region, often traveling about 30 kilometers (20 miles) a day by foot.

He said he drank from puddles, spent nights in haystacks or at abandoned farms and once even slept in a coffin readied for a funeral. He said he was repeatedly questioned by police, who then always let him go.

Just last month, he wrote a piece for a publication on necrology to explain his interest in the dead. He said that when he was 12, he came across a funeral procession whose participants forced him to kiss the face of a dead 11-year-old girl.

"An adult pushed my face down to the waxy forehead of the girl in an embroidered cap, and there was nothing I could do but kiss her as ordered," Moskvin wrote in Nekrolog.

He said he later grew interested in the occult.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Giant Crocodile Caught In the Philipines

Villagers and veteran hunters have captured a one-ton saltwater crocodile which they plan to make the star of a planned ecotourism park in a southern Philippine town, an official said Monday.

Mayor Edwin Cox Elorde said dozens of villagers and experts ensnared the 21-foot (6.4-meter) male crocodile along a creek in Bunawan township in Agusan del Sur province after a three-week hunt. It could be one of the largest crocodiles to be captured alive in recent years, he said, quoting local crocodile experts.

Elorde said the crocodile killed a water buffalo in an attack witnessed by villagers last month and was also suspected of having attacked a fisherman who went missing in July.

He said he sought the help of experts at a crocodile farm in western Palawan province

"We were nervous but it's our duty to deal with a threat to the villagers," Elorde told The Associated Press by telephone. "When I finally stood before it, I couldn't believe my eyes."

After initial sightings at a creek, the hunters set four traps, which the crocodile destroyed. They then used sturdier traps using steel cables, one of which finally caught the enormous reptile late Saturday, he said.

About 100 people had to pull the crocodile, which weighs about 2,370 pounds (1,075 kilograms), from the creek to a clearing where a crane lifted it into a truck, he said.

The crocodile was placed in a fenced cage in an area where the town plans to build an ecotourism park for species found in a vast marshland in Agusan, an impoverished region about 515 miles (830 kilometers) southeast of Manila, Elorde said.

"It will be the biggest star of the park," Elorde said, adding that villagers were happy that they would be able to turn the dangerous crocodile "from a threat into an asset."

Despite the catch, villagers remain wary because several crocodiles still roam the outskirts of the farming town of about 37,000 people.

They have been told to avoid venturing into marshy areas alone at night, Elorde said.

Monday, November 7, 2011

ghost have feelings too

This incredible image could be the spooky proof that things really do go HUMP in the night.

The shot, taken by Dianne Carlisle's granddaughter, shows what appears to be ghosts having SEX in her front room.

Shocked Dianne, from Euclid, Ohio, US, said: "It shows ghosts having sex - in my living room.

"You can see they are having sex, you can see the ladies high-heeled shoes."

The supernatural snap of afterlife hanky panky shows a ghostly couple who appear to be having missionary-style sex.

A woman's leg and man's bottom can be made out in the saucy shot taken by four-year-old Kimora.

Dianne added: "I never seen anything like this. I mean, ghosts still have feelings? [They're] having sex?"

And it isn't the first time Dianne's home has been visited from the beyond.

The mum-of-three claims a little girl appeared before her and her daughter, De'Onna Burnett, several years ago.

De'Onna said of the visit: "It was just standing there watching me."

Dianne also says a mysterious figure appeared in a photograph she took of herself in a mirror.

She said she had been trying out a new hairstyle and snapped a picture of the back of her head, but when she looked at the image later she saw a spirit standing next to her.

But in the most shocking of her claims, Dianne says her dead sister has left a message on her voicemail.

Dianne said: "She said 'I love you'."

Ghost' spotted at subway train

A "ghost" wearing a long red dress, was spotted on a subway train in Beijing, China.

The woman who was also wearing a pair of red shoes with embroidery on them, appeared at Jingsong station and boarded a train.

Passengers were apprehensive after seeing her standing still at the station alone in the beginning, but after finding out she was a real person, burst into laughter.

Many curious passengers took out their cellphones and cameras to record down the pale-looking "ghost-like" woman whose long hair covered most of her face.

Some even sat next to her to pose for pictures.

A clip of the incident, posted on the Internet has gone viral.

Netizens believe that it was a promotional stunt planned by the crew of Blood Stained Shoes, as "ghost" looks similar to the one in the movie.

The horror movie, helmed by Hong Kong director Raymond Yip Wai-man, is scheduled to be released soon.

Meanwhile, a subway worker said such "art" should not be conducted as the subway is a public place.

He said the subway management would stop a person from taking any trains if he or she creates problems for other passengers.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

World’s Most Expensive Dog

Look up “mastiff” in the dictionary and “large” and “powerful” will be among the first words you read. The different mastiff breeds have been bred for guarding and for fighting. The two most expensive dog breeds in the world are the Tibetan Mastiff and French Mastiff.
The largest Tibetan Mastiffs can stand over 31 inches tall and the breed typically weighs over 140 lbs. The dogs can be black, grey, brown or even, in some rare instances, completely white. Best of all, their coats shed odors—they lack the troublesome aroma that afflicts other large dogs. In both their native Tibet and the West, they have been prized as livestock guardians and have even been reported to have killed tigers to protect their flock.

At $1.5 million, a 180-pound (and growing) 11-month-old red Tibetan mastiff named Big Splash has become the world’s most expensive dog.

Its Chinese breeder, Lu Liang of the Tibetan Mastiff Garden in Laoshan near the eastern Chinese city of Qingdao, sold the 11-month-old puppy to a Chinese multimillionaire coal baron from Northern China earlier this month.

The previous record price for a dog was $1,465,000 paid last year for a Tibetan mastiff called Red Lion.

Weird Japanese Food

There are ‘weird’ food in every culture without exception, even in Western countries. One man’s meat is indeed another man’s poison. Many others will be disgusted at foods like French escargots, American Rocky Mountain ‘oysters’ (cattle testicles) and English black pudding. If you’re talking about insects, there are also candy & lollipops made by US companies that contain real scorpions, worms & crickets.

There are also plenty of other countries who eat insects, regarded as nutritious & full of protein, like Thailand, Japan, South America, Africa etc. Even Americans are becoming more accepting, with over ten insect festivals each year like the Bug Bowl at Purdue University and restaurants like Typhoon, in Santa Monica, that serves insect delicacies.

Insects have enjoyed a place at the Japanese dinner table for many centuries. There insect foods are exotic, local niche items that the vast majority of modern Japanese have never – and likely would never – try even once in the course of their lifetimes.

man stuck inside tree

A man got caught stuck inside the hollow trunk of a standing tree Tuesday morning, authorities said.Deputies discovered the man trapped at about 10:30 a.m. after receiving reports of someone screaming and then conducting a patrol check near Los Alisos Boulevard and Paseo de Valencia, said Lt. Roland Chacon of the Orange County Sheriff's Department.

Unbelievable! Metal Wire Growing From Skin

This is currently big news in Indonesia. Metal wires about 10-20 cm long grow from a woman’s body! Skeptics initially thought that is must be “self-inflicted”. Doctors however, have other theories but have given up on providing any scientific or medical explanations.

The woman had this problem for 17 years and currently being investigated by the Ministry of Health. Initial consultation with More..doctors and specialists found that the wires are also inside her body. At this stage, there were no current medical explanations or any case ever exist. Hence, there is but only one other possible consideration… Occult magic.

Video and pictures below.

Her name is NOORSYAIDAH. A 40 years old kindergarten teacher from Sangatta, East Kutai. Her first symptoms started manifestating in 1991. The metal wires grew out of her chest and her belly. There was no explanation then (or even now). During the first week wires kept falling off from her body and were gone. A month later, the wires grew back again and from that time onward the wires did not fall. They kept growing!

One of her sisters said that she tried to help by trimming the wires. Alas, whenever she trimmed the wires, the wire retreated as if it were hiding and then popped up in another part of Noorsyaidah’s body.

There have been 4 Medical Specialists taking this matter seriously and have treated her in several ways. And as the result, doctors can’t figure out what exactly is happening to her. The doctors have taken an X-Ray image from her stomach and found that there are more than 40 metal wires inside her and some of them are bursting out of her skin. They looks like a living phenomenon. The wires are able mobile and therefore can change location at will, Thus the doctors are forced to use a magnet to scan the exact position of the wires. The wires bursted out without any symptoms of Tetanus, but she said that they’re hurting her like when needles sting.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Wife abandons family for casino

A 43-year old Malaysian hawker in Singapore has appealed to the police to help search for his wayward wife.

The man, identified only as Guan, told reporters that his wife Zheng Su Ying, 39, that she had abandoned her family because she was so infautated with gambling in a casino.

Zheng, a coffeeshop assistant in Ang Mo Kio, first entered the casino eight months ago and had not been able to stop gambling since.

She called Guan two weeks ago to tell him that she was leaving him, their daughter, 10, and son, 3, as she could not stop gambling.

She told Guan that she was a bad wife, and asked him to find another woman. Zheng has also declared that she would not return to Malaysia.

The couple had been married for 19 years and Zheng has been working in Singapore for a long time.

Her first visit to a casino was when her former boss brought the staff to Resorts World Sentosa.

"She told me even if she had no money to gamble, she would be happy just hearing the sounds made by the jackpot machines," Guan said.

Guan visited the coffeeshop where Zheng worked but her supervisor told him that Zheng has quit and had her work permit revoked some time ago.

The whereabouts of the woman is unknown.

Double-headed milk snake

Here’s a snake with a split personality.

The odds of a two-headed, or bicephalic, snake being born are 10,000 to one, but nevertheless, this albino Honduran milk snake was recently hatched in the US.

Staff at conservation group Sunshine Serpents in Florida were incubating seven milk snake eggs, but got a huge shock when nine heads emerged, because as well as the two-headed snake, one egg contained twins.

Owner Daniel Parker, a University of Central Florida biologist, said: "I did a double take. I couldn’t believe what I was looking at."

Often, the term albino refers to white colouring, but for snakes, it simply means a lack of dark pigmentation.

Biologist Parker says two-headed snakes have been documented to live as long as 20 years in captivity.

With two brains giving commands to a single body, he says the snake, which isn’t venomous, would have a difficult time surviving in the wild.

Milk snakes are said by some to suck milk from cows' udders, but this is a myth.

They do however favour living in barns, as they like cool dark environments, which may be the source of the misconception.

Their diet consists of insects, lizards, birds and small mammals.

Another two-headed creature that hit the headlines this year was an African Spurred Tortoise born in Slovakia.

It was given two names Madga (left head) and Lenka - and even had five feet.

Man fines wife for giving birth to baby girl

A man in Bihar, India, imposed a fine of Rs25,000 (RM1,1589) on his wife for giving birth to a female child, forcing the local administration to intervene.

Ironically, Nargis, a girl born on Monday in a village in the neighbouring state of Uttar Pradesh, was welcomed as the world's seven billionth baby.

Authorities said they had to personally intervene into the matter after Mohammad Manzoor, a resident from Muslim-dominated Purnea district in Bihar, drove out his 30-year-old wife Shahnaz from his house saying she would be allowed back in the house only when she pays the penalty amount.

According to officials in the area, Manzoor even declared the fine would be doubled if she gave birth to another baby girl while categorically stating, "Girls don't matter and this addition is a load."

Left with no option, the woman lodged a complaint with the local district administration seeking immediate help.

"I commanded much respect from my in-laws earlier but soon after the birth of my daughter, their attitude (towards me) changed radically," she said in her petition.

"If giving birth to a baby girl is a punishable offence, then by the same standard, I should have been rewarded for producing two sons earlier," she said.

Finding the case quite sensitive in nature, the administration hurriedly transferred the case to the Family Disputes Redressal Cell which served notice on the husband and was finally able to sort out the family dispute after much effort.

"We really had a very tough time convincing the man but the good thing was that we were able to save the family from getting disintegrated," said Dilip Kumar Deepak and Swati Vaishnatri, members of the cell who counselled the man.

Convinced by their counselling, both agreed to live together while Shahnaz decided to withdraw the case against her husband.

Raped and made to swallow semen

A college lecturer in Kuala Lumpur allegedly assaulted and raped one of his students.

According to China Press, the man, in his 40s, had summoned the 21-year-old girl to meet him in his office, saying he wanted to discuss her coursework.

During the conversation, he asked the student to go on a date with him but she refused.

He then threatened to fail her in the examination.

Having no other choice, the student agreed to have breakfast with him on Monday.

But as soon as she got into his car, he squeezed her neck and then snatched away her mobile phone.

The lecturer then drove the student back to his house in Sentul, where he tied her up and stripped her naked.

He also assaulted and raped the girl before facing her to swallow his semen.

The man then dropped her off at an LRT station.

The student, accompanied by her sister, lodged a report at the Sentul police station.

This incident was reported five days after another lecturer molested and almost raped a student at a college – also in Kuala Lumpur – using the same excuse.

The girl put up a fight and managed to run out of the office to seek help from other lecturers.

This is possibly animal cruelty at its worst

This is possibly animal cruelty at its worst!

A dog in Italy was buried underground by its owner for 40 hours.

Fortunately, the neighbours heard the whimpering and dug Jerry the Brittany spaniel out from below two-feet of earth and bricks.

The dog was then rushed him to an animal rescue centre where it is recovering.

The owner has apparently claimed he thought the animal was already dead and he was simply getting rid of the remains.

However, he has been accused of cruelty.

Snake up his nose

Bunged-up? Throbbing head? Can't breathe?

Well, that'll be because you've got two 3ft-long snakes up your hooter, mate.

Entertainer Liu Fei, 52, from Jiangxi province, China, performs hiss party trick by feeding cauliflower snakes up his nose and out of his mouth. And he's adder lot of practice by the look of it.

The snakes are not venomous, but there is one drawback. It's a pain in the asp if you get a cold.

Explosive sex game: Man risks charges

A 50-year-old man from Croatia, who had to get medical help after inserting an anti-aircraft shell in his anus, sparked a police probe and risks charges if similar weapons are found at his home, reports AFP, quoting local media.

The man was admitted to a Zagreb hospital after apparently 'experimenting in a sex game' with the explosive 2cm cannon shell which got stuck, the Slobodna Dalmacija daily reported.

After the doctors removed the 11cm long shell, it was handed over to a member of the police anti-explosives unit, the paper said.

A Zagreb police spokesman confirmed the incident but would not give any details as the authorities are still investigating.

If other illegal weapons are found in the man's home, he could face criminal charges.